"Rhythmic Einreibung" is a therapy of rhythmic body oiling. Its techniques were developed by Dr. Margarethe Hauschka on the basis of suggestions from Dr. Ita Wegman, founder of the clinic in Switzerland that bears her name. Dr. Wegman trained in Swedish massage, and rhythmic Einreibung is a developm[...]
Compresses and poultices are extremely versatile and can be used to treat a wide range of conditions. This practical handbook was written for nurses and practitioners at the Ita Wegman Clinic in Arlesheim, Switzerland, a center of expertise for anthroposophic nursing. Compresses and other Therapeut[...]
"Because I felt that he knew how things were, I said simply: 'I will stay with you.' Then he said significant things to me that I was not to repeat. A very ancient karma existing between him and me was renewed. It was not until many years later that I first realized the significance of that meeting.[...]
Following the death of the Austrian philosopher and spiritual scientist Rudolf Steiner in 1925, Ita Wegman - one of his closest esoteric pupils - began to publish regular letters to the members of the Anthroposophical Society. In Steiner's tradition, these letters were appended with 'leading thought[...]
Tämän antroposofisesti laajennetun lääketieteen perustoja käsittelevän teoksen Rudolf Steiner kirjoitti yhdessä lääkäri Ita Wegmanin kanssa. Suomenkielinen laitos on syntynyt Arto Ingervon suomennoksen pohjalta, jota Suomen antroposofisen lääketieteen lääkäriyhdistyksen työryhmä on [...]