Presents the story of Knut, a polar bear born at the Berlin Zoo, whose mother was unable to raise him and who was cared for by the bear keeper of the zoo, with additional information on how polar bears are being threatened by global warming.[...]
From the bestselling author of Owen & Mzee, a picture book about Knut, the adorable polar bear cub who's captured hearts around the world.Al nacer, Knut era tan pequenito como una bola de nieve. Su mama no podia cuidarlo, asi que uno de los empleados del Zoologico de Berlin, Thomas Dorflein, se conv[...]
Provides the true story of the strong relationship between Mzee, the 130-year-old tortoise, and Owen, the orphaned baby hippo rescued from the tsunami floods, that has developed between this unlikely pair through their special form of communication of soft sounds and gestures.Provides the true story[...]
Detta är en sann berättelse om två bästa vänner: en flodhästunge döpt till Owen och en 130 år gammal sköldpadda som heter Mzee. När vågorna efter tsunamin den 26 december hade förflyttat sig till Kenyas kust var den försvagad men översvämmade ändå kusten och delar av floden där Owe[...]