Ian Wojik-Andrews - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Ian Wojik-Andrews
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  1. Children's Films (Häftad)


    Ian Wojik-Andrews

    ISBN: 9780815337942 - UTGIVEN: 200008

    This study examines children's films from various critical perspectives, including those provided by classical and current film theory. Topics discussed include: Film Historiography and Children's Cinema and Film; The Silent Era; American Children's Cinema; Class, Gender and Race in Children;s Films[...]

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    från 472.00 kr
  2. Children's Films: History, Ideology, Pedagogy, Theory (Inbunden)


    Ian Wojcik-Andrews, Wojik-Andrews I., I. Wojik-Andrews

    ISBN: 9780815330745 - UTGIVEN: 200007

    This study examines children's films from various critical perspectives, including those provided by classical and current film theory. Topics discussed include: Film Historiography and Children's Cinema and Film; The Silent Era; American Children's Cinema; Class, Gender and Race in Children;s Films[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 1019.00 kr