Posobie soderzhit teoreticheskij material po vsemu kursu fiziki i otvety na vsevozmozhnye voprosy, voznikajuschie pri ego izuchenii. Kniga prednaznachena dlja uchaschikhsja starshikh klassov kak s obychnym, tak i s uglublennym izucheniem fiziki, a takzhe dlja studentov vuzov i tekhnikumov i lits, za[...]
Omsorgsfilosofi i praksis er skrevet for sykepleierstudenter og sykepleiere og andre som studerer eller arbeider med omsorg i praksis. Boka gir en enkel og praktisk introduksjon til Kari Martinsens omsorgfilosofi. Martinsen har selv vært involvert i utarbeidelsen av boka.Forfatteren tar utgangspunk[...]
De fleste av oss er opptatt av at språket skal være korrekt. Men korrekt språk i seg selv er ikke nødvendigvis godt. Skal språket virkelig være godt, må det også være klart og begripelig for dem teksten gjelder. Hvis språket er tungt og innfløkt, når ikke budskapet fram.
I Am Not My Breast Cancer gathers the warm, loving, frank, and informed voices of more than eight hundred women--from every state in the nation and from continents as far away as Australia and Africa--who reveal their fears, trade advice, share experiences, and express their deepest, most intimate c[...]
An impeccably researched collection of the public and private writings of the great British monarch Queen Elizabeth I was one of the most charismatic of English sovereigns, and one of the most prolific. While her more famous public speeches are familiar to some, many of her private writings have nev[...]
It's time to leave the leadership obsession behind. It's never been about leading.
"Leadership" has become a runaway obsession for those who are called to equip the body of Christ for service in the Kingdom of God. The concept of "followership" is all but lost in the wake of this leadership feti[...]
Observera att förlaget som ger ut denna produkt baserar innehållet i sina produkter på fria källor som Wikipedia. Boken är med stor sannolikhet endast ett utdrag ur dessa informationskällor, alltså inte en vanlig bok i den bemärkelsen.[...]
The debate over Lyme disease as a chronic illness has made it difficult for sufferers to find care, as doctors are in many cases unable or unwilling to diagnose it. In this book, the author presents a 16 Point Differential Diagnostic Map, the basis for his Lyme treatment plan, and an overarching app[...]
This is the collection of the essential writings of Izzy Stone, the hard-charging, iconoclastic journalist whose work is shockingly relevant to our times. Izzy Stone was a reporter, a radical, an idealist, a scholar and, it is clear, a writer whose insights have more than stood the test of time. Mor[...]
Travel writer and Hawai'i resident Jade Eckardt knows the best ways to experience Kaua'i, from catching waves in Hanalei Bay to watching the sun set over Ni'ihau from a beach on the West Side. In "Moon Kaua'i, " Eckardt offers a range of interesting activities for every traveler, with suggested itin[...]
The great war on heresy obsessed medieval Europe in the centuries after the first millennium. This title focuses on the motives and anxieties of those who declared and conducted the war: what were the beliefs and practices they saw as heretical? How might such beliefs have arisen? And why were they [...]
Vladimir Arnold is one of the great mathematical scientists of our time. He is famous for both the breadth and the depth of his work. At the same time he is one of the most prolific and outstanding mathematical authors. This first volume of his "Collected Works" focuses on representations of functio[...]
Here is the second volume of the collected works of one of the great mathematical scientists of our time, renowned both for the breadth and depth of his work. This publication focuses on his research in hydrodynamics, bifurcation theory and algebraic geometry.[...]
Eta kniga dlja obdumyvajuschikh zhite. Dlja tekh, kto Zhizn, ee igru i sverkanie stavit vyshe zastyvshikh pravil i dogm, kto verit, chto zhit mozhno veselo i osmyslenno. Etu knigu pisal Praktik, znajuschij, chto nichego praktichnee filosofii net - estestvenno, filosofii pravilnoj. Avtor ne pretendue[...]
Eta istorija sluchilas togda, kogda Sherlok Kholms esche ne proslavilsja kak znamenityj syschik, Arsen Ljupen ne proslyl blestjaschim avantjuristom, a Iren Adler ne stala Etoj Zhenschinoj.Sejchas, v 1870 godu, oni vsego lish podrostki, kotorye vstretilis i podruzhilis na kanikulakh v Sen-Malo. Odnak[...]