Need a handbook to your architect's business or studies? Struggling with your latest DIY project? Interested in the art of architecture? This classic work, now in its fifth edition, covers every aspect of architecture and landscape architecture. Ranging from ancient times to contemporary trends, it [...]
For over a quarter of a century this art historical tour de force has consistently proved the classic introduction to humandkind's artistic heritage. From our Paleolithic past to our digitised present, every continent and culture is covered in an articulate and well-balanced discussion--a broad and [...]
Since its first publication this book has been hailed as the most up-to-date and wide-ranging history of art ever published in a single volume. This quote from Andrew Graham Dixon describes the book: 'Spanning continents and millennia, ranging from man's earliest cave paintings to the works of Picas[...]
Since its first publication this book has been hailed as the most up-to-date and wide-ranging history of art ever published in a single volume. This quote from Andrew Graham Dixon describes the book: 'Spanning continents and millennia, ranging from man's earliest cave paintings to the works of Picas[...]
Hugh Honourin ja John Flemingin palkittu teos kartoittaa maailman taiteen historiaa varhaisimmista luolamaalauksista ja muinaisen Egyptin temppeleistä aina 1990-luvun videotaiteeseen ja uusimpiin installaatioihinMerkittävät taideteokset ovat paljon muutakin kuin esteettistä mielihyvää tuottavi[...]
The purpose of this book is to honour the influential and wide-ranging work of Professor Hugh Beale. It contains essays by twenty-five very distinguished authors, each of whom has worked with Professor Beale as a co-author, as a teaching colleague, during his time as Law Commissioner of England and [...]