Sharing details of his out-of-body experience, in which he was transported from a realm of darkness and death to one of light through prayer, a former atheist explains the consequences of a life lived for self alone, and recounts how this experience led to his becoming a minister.[...]
A Howard Storm's full story: from his near death experience in Paris to his full recovery back home in the States, and the subsequent transformation of his life. It also communicates what he learned in his conversations with heavenly spiritual beings, revealing how the world will be in the future, w[...]
Läs om hur en ateist upplevde döden och hur han kom tillbaka till livet som troende. Efter en helvetisk upplevelse fick han träffa Jesus och änglarna och gavs tillfälle att ställa alla möjliga frågor. Och han fick svar på dem alla.
Howard Storm var professor i konst och ordföra[...]