The subject of this book is the efficient solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) that arise when modelling incompressible fluid flow.The material is organized into four groups of two chapters each, covering the Poisson equation (chapters 1 and 2); the convection-diffusion equation (chapte[...]
This book is a description of why and how to do Scientific Computing for fundamental models of fluid flow. It contains introduction, motivation, analysis, and algorithms and is closely tied to freely available MATLAB codes that implement the methods described. The focus is on finite element approxi[...]
This book is a description of why and how to do Scientific Computing for fundamental models of fluid flow. It contains introduction, motivation, analysis, and algorithms and is closely tied to freely available MATLAB codes that implement the methods described. The focus is on finite element approxi[...]
The Battle of Lexington becomes fifteen-year-old Adam Cooper's initiation into manhood
The tale of a Southern black who became a congressman during the Reconstruction period that followed the American Civil War. This edition also contains primary source documents from the Reconstruction.[...]
Spartakus är berättelsen om slavupproret som hotade det romerska riket. Det är en av de största folkresningarna i historien där hundratusentals slavar leddes av en enda man till strid mot de romerska patriciernas förtryck.
Berättelsen har filmats med Kirk Douglas i huvudrollen oc[...]