A reissue of this comforting collection of thoughts and viewpoints.
Jenny Lind (1820-87) was one of Europe's most famous opera singers. Known as the 'Swedish Nightingale', she first rose to prominence in an 1838 performance of Weber's Freischutz. Despite her immense success over the next ten years, she retired from the stage at the age of twenty-nine. Seeking financ[...]
Jenny Lind (1820-87) was one of Europe's most famous opera singers. Known as the 'Swedish Nightingale', she first rose to prominence in an 1838 performance of Weber's Freischutz. Despite her immense success over the next ten years, she retired from the stage at the age of twenty-nine. Seeking financ[...]
Den här lilla vackra boken förmedlar hopp till den som förlorat en älskad vän genom döden.
Texten betraktas av många som ett av de mest besjälade budskap om förtröstan och tillit som någonsin skrivits.
Författaren har genom åren skänkt miljoner sörjande frid och [...]