Taking the curriculum outside. This book is packed full of cross-curricular activities that take place outdoors, many using the school site all year and proving to teachers that it is possible to extend their classrooms on an everyday basis. The activities are fun and engaging, while also providing [...]
This invaluable book for parents and teachers is packed with creative and dynamic games that will help children to develop positive relationships.[...]
Contains games and activities that help children develop the skills needed for positive behaviour and effective learning. These games support the aims of the DfES' SEAL materials. This collection includes games that help children to explore the five areas highlighted in the SEAL resources. It is aim[...]
Teaching children how to cope with conflict effectively is beneficial to their personal development and education, and your ability to teach. This book includes a teaching programme of 18 sessions that helps you to teach children to explore, practise and develop the skills needed for successful conf[...]
A collection of activities that enables children to explore how to work together effectively through ideas for paired tasks, problem solving, games, outdoor activities, music, and more.[...]