The classic Cognitive Behavioral Therapy guide to managing anxiety. The accessible and straightforward books in the Overcoming Series treat disorders by changing unhelpful patterns of behavior and thought. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is internationally favored as a practical means of overco[...]
This book will help the sufferer understand the links between past trauma and present difficulties and offers ways to gain control over these problems, allowing the individual to deal with intrusive memories, manage mood swings and build better relationships in adulthood.[...]
This book will help the sufferer understand the links between past trauma and present difficulties and offers ways to gain control over these problems, allowing the individual to deal with intrusive memories, manage mood swings and build better relationships in adulthood.[...]
An Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is the definitive beginner's guide to the basic theory, skills and applications of cognitive-behavioural therapy. In this eagerly-awaited Second Edition, the authors set out the core concepts and generic skills of CBT, including case formulation; the th[...]
An Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is the definitive beginner's guide to the basic theory, skills and applications of cognitive-behavioural therapy. In this eagerly-awaited Second Edition, the authors set out the core concepts and generic skills of CBT, including case formulation; the th[...]
This is a new addition to the popular "Introduction to Coping with" series of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy based self-help booklets. Written by the author of the bestselling self-help titles "Overcoming Anxiety" and "Overcoming Childhood Trauma", this new title offers valuable guidance for those wh[...]
Denne boken er en selvhjelpsguide for de som sliter med angst, og for de som hjelper dem: venner, familie, psykologer, rådgivere og leger.
Målet med guiden er todelt: for det første å hjelpe leseren med å utvikle en bedre forståelse av problemet, og for det andre å gi leseren noen[...]
Der kan være mange gode grunde til at være bekymret. Faktisk er det at kunne blive bekymret og urolig en hensigtsmæssig medfødt evne, der hjælper os med at handle rationelt og beskytte os selv og andre. Men undersøgelser viser, at både mænd og kvinder på et eller andet tid[...]