"A must-read for anyone who wants to understand why they behave as they do." --Art Markman, Ph.D., author of "Smart Thinking "
Do you play to win? Or do you play not to lose?
As Tory Higgins and Heidi Grant Halvorson have discovered in their work at Columbia University's Motivation Science[...]
"Strategies people can utilize to help themselves achieve success." -CareerBuilder Do you ever wonder why Asian students are able to achieve so much more than their American counterparts? Even very smart, very accomplished people are very bad at understanding why they succeed or fail. In "Succeed,"[...]
Are you at the top of your game--or still trying to get there? Take your cues from the short, powerful 9 Things Successful People Do Differently, where the strategies and goals of the world's most successful people are on display--backed by research that shows exactly which actions have had the bigg[...]
We all want to experience pleasure and avoid pain. But there are really two kinds of pleasure and pain that motivate everything we do. If you are promotion-focused, you want to advance and avoid missed opportunities. If you are prevention-focused, you want to minimize losses and keep things wor[...]
Have you ever felt you're not getting through to the person you're talking to, or not coming across the way you intend? You're not alone. That's the bad news. But there is something we can do about it. Heidi Grant Halvorson, social psychologist and bestselling author, explains why we're often misun[...]
Miksi onnistumme tai epäonnistumme? Palkittu sosiaalipsykologi Heidi Grant Halvorson porautuu suoraan onnistumisen ytimeen ja tapoihin tavoitteiden saavuttamisen takana. Onnistu kokoaa tohtori Grant Halvorsonin tutkimukset käytännönläheisiksi strategioiksi, jotka muuttavat välittömästi tapaa[...]