Frederick Hirsch, a Senior Architect at Nokia, is responsible for the company's Web Services standardization strategy, and for security in Web service products. He is an active contributor to the Web Services Security and Digital Signature Services committees of OASIS, and has worked as an editor in[...]
Denna introducerande bok i organisationsteori har som sin utgångspunkt tre olika perspektiv; det modernistiska, det symboliskt-tolkande och det postmoderna. Författaren vill visa hur en användning av dessa olika perspektiv kan bidra till vår förståelse för hur organisationer fungerar. Boken [...]
Organization Theory offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to the study of organizations and organizing processes. It encourages an even-handed appreciation of the main perspectives defining our knowledge of organizations and challenges readers to broaden their intellectual reach. Organizatio[...]
This book challenges current beliefs about organizational identity, reputation, and branding. It contains a wealth of new ideas for finding the elusive answers to questions troubling contemporary organizations. How does an organization create a strong reputation? What are the implications of corpora[...]
Most of us recognize that organizations are everywhere. You meet them on every street corner in the form of families and shops, study in them, work for them, buy from them, pay taxes to them. But have you given much thought to where they came from, what they are today, and what they might become in [...]
Taking Brand Initiative offers a revolutionary approach to corporate branding that looks beyond the marketing value of brands company-to-customer and the HR significance of brands company-to-employee. It places the management of brands at the senior level of management as it radiates throughout the [...]
The Three Faces of Leadership takes readers inside the minds of CEOs who have been celebrated by the Harvard Business Review over the last decade of the twentieth century. Drawing on interviews with these famous CEOs, Mary Jo Hatch, Monika Kostera and Andrzej K. Kozminski demonstrate how business le[...]
Denne boken har på kort tid oppnådd en posisjon som "klassiker" blant organisasjonsteoriens introduksjonstekster. Den har blitt en internasjonal bestselger, og er oversatt til en rekke språk. Forfatteren har lykkes med å kombinere faglig autoritet og presisjon med gode pedagogiske grep og stor f[...]
Et corporate brand er et af de vigtigste aktiver i mange virksomheder. I denne bog har forfatterne Majken Schultz og Mary Jo Hatch i dialog med ledere fra verdensbrands som fx LEGO Gruppen, Novo Nordisk, Nissan og Johnson & Johnson udviklet en model, der kan vurdere, hvor gode virksomhederne er til [...]
Organisationer er alle vegne. Vi studerer i dem, arbejder i dem ogkøber varer og ydelser hos dem. Men hvor kommer de fra, hvordan ser de ud i dag, og hvordan bliver de i fremtiden? Hvorfor har de så meget indflydelse på vores liv, og hvad påvirker dem? Kan de forbedres, så de passer b[...]