This elegant essay exemplifies Blumenberg's ideas about the ability of the historical study of metaphor to illuminate essential aspects of being human. Originally published in the same year as his monumental Work on Myth, Shipwreck with Spectator traces the evolution of the complex of metaphors rela[...]
In this book, Hans Blumenberg disputes the view that the modern idea of progress represents a secularization of religious belief in some divine intervention (the coming of the Messiah, the end of the world) which consummates human history from outside. Drawing from sources ranging from Aristotle and[...]
In this rich examination of how we inherit and transform myths, Hans Blumenberg continues his study of the philosophical roots of the modern world. Work on Myth is in five parts. The first two analyze the characteristics of myth and the stages in the West's work on myth, including long discussions o[...]
This major work by the German philosopher Hans Blumenberg is a monumental rethinking of the significance of the Copernican revolution for our understanding of modernity. It provides an important corrective to the view of science as an autonomous enterprise and presents a new account of the history o[...]
Powder metallurgy (PM) is a popular metal forming technology used to produce dense and precision components. Different powder and component forming routes can be used to create an end product with specific properties for a particular application or industry. Advances in powder metallurgy explores a [...]
Band 1: Die Zweideutigkeit des Himmels. Eröffnung der Möglichkeit eines Kopernikus. Band 2: Typologie der frühen Wirkungen. Der Stillstand des Himmels und der Fortgang der Zeit. Band 3: Der kopernikanische Komparativ. Die kopernikanische Optik[...]
"Ich möchte Ihnen daher auch das nackte Faktum mitteilen, daà ich 1971 den Kontakt zu Carl Schmitt gesucht und gefunden habe. Darüber wird viel später mehr zu sagen sein", schreibt Hans Blumenberg 1977 an Jacob Taubes angesichts einer Kontroverse, die mit Die Legitimität der Neuze[...]
In der Geistesgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts ist kaum eine überraschendere Konstellation denkbar als die zwischen Hans Blumenberg und Ernst Jünger. Ernst Jünger, der "Mann vom Mond", gehört zu denjenigen Autoren der Gegenwart, die polarisiert und Anlaà zu überaus heftigen Kont[...]
Den tyske filosofen Hans Blumenberg (1920 - 1996) analyserer i dette verket metaforens paradigmer. I en levende historisk gjennomgang anskueliggjør han den filosofiske striden om sannhet og vitenskap kan uttrykkes i rene begreper, eller om man må ty til besudlende billedspråk og retorikk. Metafor[...]