This is the classic story of social justice and outrageous cunning. Robin Hood, champion of the poor and oppressed, stands against the cruel power of Prince John and the brutal Sheriff of Nottingham. Taking refuge in the vast Sherwood Forest with his band of men, he remains determined to outwit his [...]
Enter the world of "The Old Republic", the new online "Star Wars'" game franchise, with "Star Wars' The Old Republic Encyclopedia". Explore the characters, weapons, vehicles, events, locations and planets of the galaxy in the times of the Old Republic. Created in collaboration with LucasArts, this i[...]
Inneholder tegneserieutgaver av fire romaner. Robin Hood: Robin Hood levde i England på 1100 tallet og var de undertryktes og forfulgtes venn. Han stjal fra de rike og gav til de fattige og lå stadig i konflikt med sheriffen av Nottingham - hans argeste fiende, som gjerne så ham død. Robin Hood [...]