Eric Gyllenstierna (1882-1940) innehade som fideikommissarie Krapperups gods i Skåne. Under sina juridikstudier i Lund deltog han livligt i det glada - och dyrbara - studentliv, som så vältaligt skildrats av Fritiof Nilsson Piraten i "Tre terminer", där Gyllenstierna har en framträdande roll. H[...]
The contributions by an international group of leading scholars discuss the historical and cultural relations of old and modern Turkic and Iranian languages. A main topic is how contacts of spoken and written languages from pre-Islamic times until various periods of the Islamic era have influenced t[...]
Building on the rich scholarly legacy of Gunnar Jarring, the Swedish Turkologist and diplomat, the fourteen contributions by sixteen authors representing a variety of disciplines in the humanities and the social sciences provide an insight into ongoing research trends in Uyghur and Xinjiang Studies.[...]