A fully annotated, bilingual edition, "Calligrammes" is a key work not only in Apollinaire's own development but in the evolution of modern French poetry. Apollinaire - Roman by birth, Polish by name (Wilhelm-Apollinaris de Kostrowitski), Parisian by choice - died at thirty-eight in 1918. Neverthele[...]
Rae Armantrout's most recent collection of poems focuses on the phenomenon of time, both as lived experience at the start of the 21st century and as a stubborn mystery confronting physicists and philosophers. The poems in this book are polyphonic: they juxtapose the discourses of science and religio[...]
Guillaume Apollinaire's first book of poems has charmed readers with its brief celebrations of animals, birds, fish, insects, and the mythical poet Orpheus since it was first published in 1911. Though Apollinaire would go on to longer and more ambitious work, his Bestiary reveals key elements of hi[...]
En samlingsvolym med utvalda bilddikter av den finurlige avantgardepionjären Guillaume Apollinaire. Boken har fått titeln Calligrammes - för det var det namn han själv gav denna märkliga diktgenre som han egenhändigt uppfann.[...]
Modernistpoeten Guillaume Apollinaire arbetade som redaktör på ett illegalt erotikförlag och skrev också ett par egna alster i genren. Av många anses De elvatusen spöna från 1907 vara ett av hans mest intressanta arbeten. I denna erotiska och våldsamma pikareskroman far den rumänske fursten[...]
Surrealismin pioneerin huikean mielikuvituksellinen proosarunoelma jatkaa Merlin-tietäjän tarinaa siitä, mihin se kelttiläisessä mytologiassa päättyy. Kirjailija itse piti tätä vuonna 1909 ilmestynyttä runoelmaa pääteoksenaan.
Suomentajan esipuhe ja kommentit valaisevat t[...]