Gregor Tarjan - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Gregor Tarjan
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  1. Catamarans (Inbunden)


    Gregor Tarjan, Charles K. (FRW) Chiodi, Gregor Tarjan

    ISBN: 9780071498852 - UTGIVEN: 2007-09

    This is the definitive book on cruising catamarans - beautifully illustrated with glorious four-color photography and diagrams. From the technical details to the luxurious lifestyle, "Catamarans" covers every aspect of cruising cats, giving you a "dream book" combination of how-to manual, buyer's gu[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 592.00 kr
  2. Catamarans (Inbunden)


    Gregor Tarjan

    ISBN: 9781408100738 - UTGIVEN: 2008-01

    Combining how-to manual, buyer's guide and coffee-table 'dream book', Catamarans covers every aspect of cruising catamarans from the technical details to the luxurious, relaxed lifestyle. The first comprehensive book on cruising cats in more than 10 years, Catamarans will be welcomed by anyone inter[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 301.00 kr