Most people are familiar with the spectacular Hubble Space Telescope images - most of them in the public domain and available on the Internet. These images, constrained by the scientific observing programs, are mainly very distant, strange objects. There are very few high-quality books of wide-field[...]
Get caught up on the latest happenings in the Hulk family before it all comes together in "Fall of Hulks"! See Red Hulk do battle with Iron Man. Revisit the violent origin of Skaar, the savage Son of Hulk, and watch what happens when he finally visits Earth. And learn all about the All-New Savage Sh[...]
The Hulk is gone - transformed back to Bruce Banner, seemingly forever. But Banner knows that the Hulk never stays buried. He knows he must prepare. Banner locates Skaar, the Hulk's half-alien son, who burns for revenge on his father. But he's not nearly a match for the Hulk. So now it's up to Bruce[...]
Uusien kirjoittajien terävin kärki esittäytyy tässä antologiassa. Nyt voit itse todeta, miten maailmaviiltää ja mihin novelli on matkalla. Kokeilevaa ja realistista kerrontaa, rajua ja herkkää sanoitusta.Gummeruksen, Nuoren Voiman Liiton ja Xeroxin vuosittain järjestämä novellikilpailu o[...]