Americans take for granted that when we flip a switch the light will go on, when we turn up the thermostat the room will get warm, and when we pull up to the pump gas will be plentiful and relatively cheap. In The End of Energy, Michael Graetz shows us that we have been living an energy delusion for[...]
This fast-paced book by Yale professors Michael Graetz and Ian Shapiro unravels the following mystery: How is it that the estate tax, which has been on the books continuously since 1916 and is paid by only the wealthiest two percent of Americans, was repealed in 2001 with broad bipartisan support? T[...]
Philosophies of Organizational Change explains the assumptions that drive different perspectives on organizational change management. The book describes and examines the myriad philosophical interpretations of change, revealing how and why managers confront change using so many competing methods. Ea[...]
Denna bok är en vägledning för den som vill veta mer om och förstå dynamiken i islam, kristendom och judendom. I fokus är det faktum att dessa religioners heliga texter skrevs i förmodern tid men anses giltiga även i dag.
Å ena sidan betraktar man texterna som heliga eller gudom[...]