Freges Werk eröffnete und leitete den Prozeß der Emanzipation der Logik von der ontologisch fundierten zur autarken, von allen nicht-logischen Voraussetzungen losgelösten Logik der Zeichen. Unmittelbaren Aufschluß über den Beginn dieser neuen Epoche gibt Freges Briefwechsel mit den führenden T[...]
This is the first single-volume edition and translation of Frege's philosophical writings to include all of his seminal papers as well as substantial selections from all three of his major works. It is intended to provide the essential primary texts for students of logic, philosophical logic, philos[...]
"The Foundations of Arithmetic" is undoubtedly the best introduction to Frege's thought; it is here that Frege expounds the central notions of his philosophy, subjecting the views of his predecessors and contemporaries to devastating analysis. The book represents the first philosophically sound disc[...]
Als diese fünf Aufsätze Gottlob Freges 1962 in der Kleinen Vandenhoeck-Reihe erstmals erschienen, war Gottlob Frege noch weithin unbekannt. Damals bedurfte es noch einer ausführlichen Begründung der Bedeutung Freges für die Gegenwartsphilosophie. Heute sind seine Schriften zu Klassike[...]
The German philosopher and mathematician Gottlob Frege (1848-1925) was the father of analytic philosophy and to all intents and purposes the inventor of modern logic. Basic Laws of Arithmetic, originally published in German in two volumes (1893, 1903), is Freges magnum opus. It was to be the pinnacl[...]
This analysis of Frege's views on language and metaphysics in On Sense and Reference, arguably one of the most important philosophical essays of the past hundred years, provides a thorough introduction to the function/argument analysis and applies Frege's technique to the central notions of predicat[...]
This analysis of Frege?s views on language and metaphysics in ?On Sense and Reference?, arguably one of the most important philosophical essays of the past hundred years, provides a thorough introduction to the function/argument analysis and applies Frege?s technique to the central notions of predic[...]
This volume represents the first philosophically sound discussion of the concept of number in Western civilization. (Mathematics)[...]
This volume contains all of Frege's extant unpublished writings on philosophy and logic other than his correspondence, written at various stages of his career. (Philosophy)[...]
Denna lilla bok kom ut 1884 och är en populärt hållen programskrift, i vilken Frege skisserar sin uppfattning om talens natur och sin idé om hur aritmetiken kan reduceras till logik. I strid med Kant hävdar Frege att de aritmetiska sanningarna kan visas vara analytiska, inte syntetiska. För at[...]
Här finns nio uppsatser av Frege (1848-1925) med tyngdpunkt i språkfilosofin. Den längsta är den epokgörande uppsatsen Om mening och betydelse, där Frege inför det meningsbegrepp som sedan dess stått i centrum i mycken språkfilosofi. Med enkla exempel visar Frege varför man måste skilja m[...]