Moonlight Serenade, Sunrise Serenade, Little Brown Jug, In the Mood...These and other memorable tunes endeared Glenn Miller to millions in the Swing Era and all who recall those times. After playing trombone and arranging for leading orchestras of the Dorsey brothers, Ray Noble, Ben Pollack, and Red[...]
About the disciple known as Doubting Thomas, everyone knows at least this much: he stuck his finger into the risen Jesus' wounds. Or did he? A fresh look at the "Gospel of John" reveals how little we may really understand about this most perplexing of biblical figures, and how much we might learn fr[...]
In nineteenth-century England, a boy is about to discover a mysterious mechanical world he may never escape.
Ten-year-old Jack Foster has stepped through a doorway and into quite a different London.
Londinium is a smoky, dark, and dangerous place, home to mischievous metal fairies and fearso[...]
Produktframtagning handlar om att utveckla och producera produkter som är attraktiva för kunderna. Effektiv produktframtagning är en förutsättning för konkurrenskraft, oavsett var du befinner dig i försörjningskedjan. Osäker teknik och osäker marknad, komplexitet i produkter och i produkt[...]