Moonlight Serenade, Sunrise Serenade, Little Brown Jug, In the Mood...These and other memorable tunes endeared Glenn Miller to millions in the Swing Era and all who recall those times. After playing trombone and arranging for leading orchestras of the Dorsey brothers, Ray Noble, Ben Pollack, and Red[...]
As well as chronicling and listing every performance in Britain from June 1944, the author details "The Glenn Miller Story", his appearance in two films during the war and the circumstances of his disappearance on a flight to France.[...]
On December 15, 1944, Major Alton Glenn Miller, commanding officer of the Army Air Force Band (Special), boarded a plane in England bound for France with Lt. Col. Norman Francis Baessell. Somewhere over the English Channel, the plane vanished; no trace of the aircraft or any of its occupants was eve[...]
En cd med utvalda ljudinspelningar från det förflutna i originell pappförpackning med faktaspäckat fotoillustrerat häfte. Telefonsamtalen till Larmcentralen i samband med Palmemordet. Sista stormötet i Jonestown före massjälvmordet när över 900 vuxna och barn drack gift och dog. En inspeln[...]