Do you know the author? Maybe not. But you probably trust him anyway, most Danes do, as much as 78%. Even people who do not know him at all trust him. He is in fact not just anyone; he has solved the riddle of Denmark's success - until now an inexplicable mystery. The answer is simple. It is the Dan[...]
Is social capital the 'missing link' in economics? In this vital new book, the authors argue that the 'forgotten' production factor of social capital is as crucial in economic decision-making as the other more traditional factors of production such as physical, financial and human capital. They atte[...]
Udlændinge forbløffes over, at man på køreture gennem det danske sommerlandskab støder på ubemandede boder med friske jordbær, sprøde asparges og en lille cigarkasse med byttepenge. Endnu mere forbløffende er det, at bodens ejer om aftenen kan hente en fyldt pengekasse. Stort set alle andre[...]