Aims to develop a way of understanding educational improvement which focuses on the formation and transformation of the practices through which students learn. This book generates insight into various practices of teaching and learning. It is useful for researchers, policymakers and practitioners fo[...]
Vad det betyder att vara människa är en fråga om utbildning, antingen den gäller barn, vuxna eller andra nykomlingar. Utbildning är ett ingrepp i någons liv, som motiveras med föreställningen att det på något sätt gör livet bättre: mer komplett, mer avrundat, mer perfekt - och kanske ä[...]
Bringing together the work of international experts in the field, and two interviews with Derrida himself, this book provides a key to the reflections that Derrida's work has prompted on all aspects of educational studies. The contributors address fundamental educational issues from a Derridian pers[...]
What is the role of narrative in how people learn throughout their lives? Are there different patterns and forms of narrativity? How do they influence learning? Based on data gathered for the Learning Lives project, which sought to understand learning by questioning individuals about their life stor[...]
Lifelong learning has become a mantra, but what does learning mean and do in the lives of adults? How has it changed over time and across generations? What are the connections with the changing worlds of work, the family and communities? What difference does it make to life chances? How do we learn [...]
This volume offers an overview of the pragmatic understanding of knowledge and the acquisition of knowledge, and its implications for the conduct of educational research. Pragmatism and Educational Research focuses primarily on the work of John Dewey, and examines the relationship between pragmatism[...]
" Winner - AERA 2011 Outstanding Book Award Jacques Ranciere: Education, Truth, Emancipation demonstrates the importance of Ranciere's work for educational theory, and in turn, it shows just how central Ranciere's educational thought is to his work in political theory and aesthetics. Charles Bingham[...]
This book demonstrates the importance of Ranciere's educational thought and how educational theory needs to be informed by his philosophical project. "Jacques Ranciere: Education, Truth, Emancipation" demonstrates the importance of Ranciere's work for educational theory, and in turn, it shows just h[...]
Many educational practices are based upon ideas about what it means to be human. Thus education is conceived as the production of particular subjectivities and identities such as the rational person, the autonomous individual, or the democratic citizen. Beyond Learning asks what might happen to the [...]
Never before published, this book features George Herbert Mead's illuminating lectures on the Philosophy of Education at the University of Chicago during the early 20th century. These lectures provide unique insight into Mead's educational thought and reveal how his early psychological writings on t[...]
The widespread use of the measurement of educational outcomes in order to compare the performance of education within and across countries seems to express a real concern for the quality of education. This book argues that the focus on the measurement of educational outcomes has actually displaced q[...]
The widespread use of the measurement of educational outcomes in order to compare the performance of education within and across countries seems to express a real concern for the quality of education. This book argues that the focus on the measurement of educational outcomes has actually displaced q[...]
Gert Biesta præsenterer en kritisk analyse af aktuelle diskussioner om forholdet mellem medborgerskab, demokrati og uddannelse. Demokratiet defineres som en fortløbende proces, som aldrig kan afsluttes eller indfanges. Der er snarere tale om et eksperiment, der grundlæggende må være åbent for [...]
»Gert Biesta er en af Europas mest betydningsfulde uddannelsestænkere. Derfor er det en fornøjelse, at Klim nu igen går i front med en oversættelse til dansk af Biestas seneste værk.«
- Lene Tanggaard, professor i pædagogisk psykologi, Aalborg Universitet
»Biestas bog om det smukk[...]
I Læring Retur præsenterer Gert J. J. Biesta læseren for en indsigtsfuld kritik af begrebet læring, som han på baggrund af sin forskning i medborgerskab, livslang læring, pædagogisk teori, demokrati og uddannelse velargumenteret viser, må fornys.
Bogen henvender si[...]
This volume has its origin in the Francis T. Villemain Memorial lectures at San Jose State University - a lecture series established in 1992 to honor the memory of 1 Dean Francis T. Villemain. All the essays in this volume, with the exception of those by Gert Biesta, Susan Verducci, and Michael Katz[...]
Pragmatism är en filosofisk metod för att undersöka teorier och begrepp i relation till deras praktiska konsekvenser. I denna bok skriver nio forskare om pedagogikens centrala problem och använder pragmatismen för att belysa redan behandlade frågor ur olika infallsvinklar samt för att utforsk[...]
Vad det betyder att vara människa är en fråga om utbildning, antingen den gäller barn, vuxna eller andra nykomlingar. Utbildning är ett ingrepp i någons liv, som motiveras med föreställningen att det på något sätt gör livet bättre: mer komplett, mer avrundat, mer perfekt - och kanske ä[...]
I God utbildning i mätningens tidevarv diskuterar Gert Biesta det faktum att vi lever i en tid då mätning av utbildningsresultat har trängt undan frågan om utbildningens syfte. Biesta utforskar varför frågan "Vad utgör god utbildning?" har blivit så mycket svårare att ställa och visar ock[...]
This books explores the relationships between learning, democratic citizenship and the public sphere from thee interconnected angles: theory, methodology and research. The main message of the book is that civic learning necessarily has a public character, as it is learning that emerges from engageme[...]