Julius Winsome bor godt i skogen, i den gamle hytta, sammen med alle bøkene han arvet etter faren. Og Hobbes, hunden. Helt til den morgenen Julius finner Hobbes skutt i snøen. Hvordan retter man opp igjen tapet av en fullkommen kjærlighet? Vinter i Maine er en enestående roman om sorg, om språk[...]
Julius Winsome lives in a cabin in the hunting heartland of the Maine woods, with only his books and his dog for company. That is until the morning he finds that his dog has been shot dead - and not by accident. This story tells the tale of revenge.[...]
In an unnamed European village, in the middle of a civil war, one man digs while another watches over him. They begin to talk, gradually revealing the sinister events in their country that have led to this point. Gerard Donovan ponders the link between the history of civilization and the history of [...]
Julius Windsome bor i ei nedsnødd hytte dypt inne i skogene i Maine, alene med hunden Hobbes og boksamlingen han har arvet etter sin far. En dag finner han hunden drept, skutt på nært hold. Julius lader familiens gamle gevær og setter seg utenfor hytta og venter. En uhyggelig fortelling utfold[...]
Features stories that magnify a New Ireland as it copes with the rewards and pressures of its fresh success: immigration, mid-life crisis, adultery and divorce, a lost sense of place and history, and of course, what to do with all that prosperity.[...]
A drug deal gone bad. A daughter gone missing. A hit man on the loose. And five days to find the answers. As journalist Siobhan Fallon embarks on a hunt for a missing girl, DI Mike Mulcahy uncovers a link between Ireland's largest-ever drugs haul and the murder of an Dublin gangster in Spain. With t[...]
A widely adopted practitioner resource and course text, this book shows how to apply knowledge about behavior change in general - and the stages-of-change model in particular - to make substance abuse treatment more effective. The authors are leaders in the field who describe ways to tailor interven[...]