Poor George gives us George Mecklin, a restless, soft-spoken teacher at a private school in Manhattan. Depressed by his life of vague moral purpose, George discovers a local adolescent named Ernest breaking into his house. Rather than hand the boy over to the police, as his nagging wife insists, Geo[...]
George Fox (1624-91), founder of The Religious Society of Friends (or Quakers), was well known during his lifetime as a healer and worker of miracles. He wrote prolifically of how he used God's power to effect over one hundred and fifty cures, of both physical disease or injury and mental or psychol[...]
Observera att förlaget som ger ut denna produkt baserar innehållet i sina produkter på fria källor som Wikipedia. Boken är med stor sannolikhet endast ett utdrag ur dessa informationskällor, alltså inte en vanlig bok i den bemärkelsen.[...]
Observera att förlaget som ger ut denna produkt baserar innehållet i sina produkter på fria källor som Wikipedia. Boken är med stor sannolikhet endast ett utdrag ur dessa informationskällor, alltså inte en vanlig bok i den bemärkelsen.[...]
Observera att förlaget som ger ut denna produkt baserar innehållet i sina produkter på fria källor som Wikipedia. Boken är med stor sannolikhet endast ett utdrag ur dessa informationskällor, alltså inte en vanlig bok i den bemärkelsen.[...]
George Crook was one of the most prominent military figures of the late-nineteenth-century Indian Wars. Yet today his name is largely unrecognized despite the important role he played in such pivotal events in western history as the Custer fight at the Little Big Horn, the death of Crazy Horse,[...]