From Munich's palaces to its churches and museums, this travel guide proves that the state capital of Bavaria has a positive wealth of attractions to offer. The handbook illustrates that the city's name is also synonymous with art and creativity, sporting success, economic prowess, and pioneering te[...]
From the sea, mudflats, and wind which tastes of salt to thatched roofs, lighthouses, screaming seagulls, and bleating sheep, this collection of sights, sounds, and smells compose the fascinating mosaic of Schleswig-Holstein. This travel guide captures the salt marsh, coastal moorland, sand dunes, a[...]
Niedersachsen liegt als zweitgrößtes Bundesland im Nordwesten Deutschlands. Von der Nordsee mit den ostfriesischen Inseln über Ostfriesland, das Emsland an der holländischen Grenze, das Oldenburger Münsterland, die Lüneburger Heide, das Braunschweiger Land und Weserbergland bis hin zum Mittelg[...]
Exploring one of the most economically powerful metropolitan areas in Europe, this guide delves into North Rhine-Westphalia, a German region that boasts a diversity of landscapes, major cultural sites, and a significant history. Roaming the cities of Xanten, Bonn, and Cologne, the survey also consid[...]