"This fine translation is a god-send. . . . Surely you want to read what Galileo wrote. If so buy this book. Van Helden's introduction is scholarly; no one knows more about Galileo's telescope; the translation is superb; Van Helden's review of the reception of the "Sidereal Messenger" is profound; t[...]
Breven om solfläckarna (första upplaga 1613), är Galileos mest personliga verk och ger en nutida läsare möjlighet att på nära håll följa honom som vetenskapsman. Bankiren Marcus Welser i Augsburg inleder brevväxlingen i januari 1612 genom att utbe sig Galileos synpunkter på jesuitpatern S[...]
This generous selection from Galileo's writings contains all the essential texts. Newly translated by Mark Davie and William R. Shea, the contents include full representation from his scientific masterpieces, his contributions to the debate on science and religion, and key documents from his trial [...]
Galileo's telescopic discoveries, and especially his observation of sunspots, caused great debate in an age when the heavens were thought to be perfect and unchanging. Christoph Scheiner, a Jesuit mathematician, argued that sunspots were planets or moons crossing in front of the Sun. Galileo, on the[...]
A finely illustrated overview of the life and work of Galileo explains, in simple language and with Galileo's own words, the impact of the astronomer's discoveries on the science, philosophy, and art of Renaissance Italy.[...]
"If they had seen what we see, they would have judged as we judge." -- Galileo Galilei
In every age there are courageous people who break with tradition to explore new ideas and challenge accepted truths. Galileo Galilei was just such a man--a genius--and the first to turn the telescope to the s[...]
Galileoâs Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, published in Florence in 1632, was the most proximate cause of his being brought to trial before the Inquisition. Using the dialogue form, a genre common in classical philosophical works, Galileo masterfully demonstrates the truth of th[...]
This 1967 edition of the "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems" is a revision of a 1953 edition. It includes a foreword by Albert Einstein, which is presented in en face German and English versions. The translation itself is based on the definitive National Edition prepared under the dire[...]
This title describes the life and career of the early seventeenth century Italian scientist Galileo Galilei, who caused a revolution in the study of physics and astronomy with his pioneering discoveries, changing forever our view of the Universe, and leading him into confrontation with the powerful [...]
Galileo Galilei was a great scientist, and therefore not afraid of causing controversy, even if he had to pay a great price. His public advocacy of the Copernican over the Aristotelian system of the universe flew directly in the face of biblical authority and ecclesiastical tradition. Condemned and [...]
This new scientific biography explores the influences on, and of, Galileo's exceptional work, thereby revealing novel connections with the worldviews of his age and beyond.Galileo Galilei's contribution to science is unquestionable. And his conflict with the church establishment of his time is no le[...]
"I, Galileo, son of the late Vincenzio Galilei, Florentine, aged seventy years ...kneeling before you Most Eminent and Reverend Lord Cardinals ...I abjure, curse, detest the aforesaid errors and heresies."Galileo Galilei in Rome, 22 June 1633, before the men of the Inquisition.In the small village o[...]
"e;I, Galileo, son of the late Vincenzio Galilei, Florentine, aged seventy years ...kneeling before you Most Eminent and Reverend Lord Cardinals ...I abjure, curse, detest the aforesaid errors and heresies."e;Galileo Galilei in Rome, 22 June 1633, before the men of the Inquisition.In the sma[...]
Die Erde steht nicht im Mittelpunkt des Universums. Diese aufsehenerregende These kann der geniale Physiker und Naturforscher Galileo Galilei im Italien des 17. Jahrhunderts mit der Erfindung eines neuen Fernrohrs beweisen und zieht damit den Zorn der Kirche auf sich. Diese befürchtet mit der Abwen[...]
AMONG the ranks of the great astronomers it would be difficult to find one whose life presents more interesting features and remarkable vicissitudes than does that of Galileo. We may consider him as the patient investigator and brilliant discoverer. We may consider him in his private relations, espe[...]
For Da jorden stod stille mottok Atle Næss Brageprisen for beste fagbok i 2001. Fortellingen om Galileo Galileis liv og tid, om hans epokegjørende eksperimenter og oppdagelser, om hans stillhet og ærekjærhet, om fyrstehuset Medici, hans beskyttere, om fiender og venner i striden for sannheten - [...]
När inkvisitionsdomstolen år 1633 bannlyst Dialog om de två världssystemen tillbringade Galileo Galilei sina sista år i husarrest i Arcetri nära Florens. Det är nu han skriver sitt kanske mest betydande vetenskapliga verk, Samtal och matematiska bevis om två nya vetenskaper, som utgavs 1638.[...]