The demands of modern life are such that many people find great value in meditation. It can be hard to know where to start, however, or how to progress. In this classic work, Friedrich Rittelmeyer recognises the difficulties we face and proposes a Christian meditative path, to guide and inspire. His[...]
"Am I going too far if I declare that not a single one of the opponents took a tenth of the pains I took with anthroposophy before I joined the movement?" -- Friedrich Rittelmeyer Born in southern Germany in 1872, Friedrich Rittelmeyer was a leading figure in the Lutheran church at the beginning of [...]
In freimütiger Direktheit, objektiv, ohne jegliche Autoritätsgläubigkeit, stellte Rittelmeyer Steiner viele Jahre lang Fragen über Fragen. Rittelmeyers Erinnerungen geben nicht nur Aufschluss über das Verhältnis zweier Geistesgrößen zueinander, sondern vermitteln auch ein besonders authentis[...]
En mycket uppskattad samling visdomsord med tre motiv: det som förbinder människorna med varandra, människans uppgifter i världen och hennes inre strävanden.[...]