The last survivor of the end days of Hitler's bunker tells his story publicly for the first time. Von Loringhoven was aide-de-camp to Hitler's last two chiefs of staff, Guderian and Krebs, and the link between the armies at the fronts and Hitler in his Berlin bunker. For the last nine months of the [...]
The Technique of the Drama was written in 1863, and passed through six editions before its translation into English. It has attained the rank of a first-class authority. Gustav Freytag (1816 - 1895), scholar, poet, novelist, critic, playwright, editor, soldier, publicist, was born in Kreuzburg, Sile[...]
Throughout the last nine months of the Third Reich, from 23 July 1944 to 29 April 1945, Captain Bernd Freytag von Loringhoven daily attended Hitler's military briefings with his highest-ranking officers. He also watched while recording his experiences in his private diaries as increasingly the gap w[...]
Die Idee eines erziehenden Gemeinschaftslebens gab es sowohl in der deutschen als auch in der amerikanischen Hochschuldebatte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Nach 1945 wurden in vielen westdeutschen Universiteten Kollegienheuser eingerichtet, in denen die Studierenden zusammenleben und allgemeinbildend erzoge[...]
Southern sheet of a two-map set for Norway that includes the towns of Bergen, Voss, Nes, and Hamar along the northern boundary of the map. Norway South is two-sided, detailed, and depicts elevation with shaded-relief and color tinting. Map shows major highways and roads, rail and ferry lines, ports,[...]
A two sided detailed road and tourist map of Iceland at a scale of 1:400,000 (1" to 6 miles). The map is on one side and the index is on the reverse. Shading is used to accent the land in relief. Selected elevations and distances are shown. Contour lines are superimposed at 200 meter intervals. Ther[...]
Rev. udg. aug. 08. Falset kort i målestokken 1:150.000, trykt på begge sider. Indsat hæfte med beskrivelse af top-10 seværdigheder (engelsk) samt register.[...]
Freytag og berndts kort over den slovenske hovedstad, ljubljana indeholer i virkeligheden 3 kort.
en byplan der dækker hele byen i et målestoksforhold perfekt til bilister, en forstørrelse af centrum, og et detaljeret og omfattende områdekort.[...]
I Fysioterapi för barn och ungdom - teori och tillämpning har tjugosju författare från skilda håll i landet bidragit med såväl gedigen praktisk erfarenhet som specialiserad teoretisk kunskap. Boken inleds med en skildring av barns utveckling ur olika perspektiv, med tyngdpunkten lagd [...]