The collapse of the Third Reich in 1945 was an event nearly unprecedented in history. Only the fall of the Roman Empire fifteen hundred years earlier compares to the destruction visited on Germany. The country's cities lay in ruins, its economic base devastated. The German people stood at the brink [...]
For decades it has been assumed that the Allied bombing of Dresden -- a cultured city famous for its china, chocolate, and fine watches -- was militarily unjustifiable, an act of retribution for Germany's ceaseless bombing of London and other parts of England.Now, Frederick Taylor's groundbreaking r[...]
A comprehensive survey of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's writings as a poet and literary critic, as a philosopher and lecturer, as a commentator on religion and politics. Provides 37 specially written contributions by an international team of experts providing the most advanced scholarship in each area.[...]
The appearance of a hastily-constructed barbed wire entanglement through the heart of Berlin during the night of 12-13 August 1961 was both dramatic and unexpected. Within days, it had started to metamorphose into a structure that would come to symbolise the brutal insanity of the Cold War: the Berl[...]
Not since the end of the Roman Empire, almost fifteen hundred years earlier, is there a parallel, in Europe at least, to the fall of the German nation in 1945. Industrious and inventive, home over centuries to a disproportionate number of western civilization's greatest thinkers, writers, scientists[...]
The collapse of the Third Reich in 1945 was an event nearly unprecedented in history. Only the fall of the Roman Empire fifteen hundred years earlier compares to the destruction visited on Germany. The country's cities lay in ruins, its economic base devastated. The German people stood at the brink [...]
A hundred years ago, many theorists believed--just as they did at the beginning of our twenty-first century--that the world had reached a state of economic perfection, a never before seen human interdependence that would lead to universal growth and prosperity. Then, as now, the German mark was one [...]
Natt til 13. august 1961 ble det reist et piggtrådgjerde gjennom sentrum av Berlin. Gjerdet ble til Berlinmuren, et symbol på den kalde krigens galskap.Frederick Taylor beskriver etterkrigstidens politiske forhold som førte til at byen med nesten fire millioner innbyggere brutalt ble delt i to. D[...]
I boken konfronteras läsaren med Taylors idéer framställda i hans kända skrift The Principles of Scientific Management. Syftet bakom boken har varit att beskriva några av de yttre sammanhang kring Taylor som varit avgörande för innehållet i skriften, nämligen hans möten med företagslednin[...]
Elokuussa 1961 pystytetystä Berliinin muurista tuli kylmän sodan mielettömyyden symboli. Sen kaatuminen marraskuussa 1989 toi takaisin yhteen kahdessa erilaisessa yhteiskunnassa eläneet kaupunkilaiset, jotka olivat toisen maailmansodan päättymisestä saakka olleet suurvaltapolitiikan pelinappu[...]
Since its 1911 publication, this influential essay has helped administrators eliminate inefficiency through a system applicable to individual and collective activities. A classic of decision theory and managerial technique.