The white man had burned their land, raped their women, and slaughtered their children. He had made them a nation of slaves, and those he could not enslave, he promised to destroy. The Apache had one hope: vengeance.Out of the scattered remnants of the Apache tribes rose a man whose cunning, feroc[...]
"This story has entranced readers of all ages since it was first published twenty-five years ago. The Education of Little Tree tells of a boy orphaned very young, who is adopted by his Cherokee grandmother and half-Cherokee grandfather in the Appalachian mountains of Tennessee during the Great Depre[...]
"This story has entranced readers of all ages since it was first published twenty-five years ago. The Education of Little Tree tells of a boy orphaned very young, who is adopted by his Cherokee grandmother and half-Cherokee grandfather in the Appalachian mountains of Tennessee during the Great Depre[...]
Lille Tre er fortellinger om en liten indianergutts oppvekst i1930-årenes USA. Lille Tre blir tidlig foreldreløs og vokser opp hos Besta og Bestefar, som er cherokee-indianere. De lever som enkle fjellbønder, og tar kjærlig i mot Lille Tre og oppdrar ham på indianervis. Han lærer å lytte og f[...]
Dette er romanen om Geronimo (1829-1909), apacheindianernes høvding og krigssjaman. Boka bygger på autentiske beretninger om hans liv og kamp mot blåjakker og meksikanere. Den skildrer nederlag, seier, svik, troløshet, ære og undergang, men først og fremst indianernes ressurser og livsvilje.[...]