Reveals how to create world-class logistics and supply chains in any industry using kaizen Kaizen in Logistics and Supply Chains gives a highly detailed explanation of how kaizen principles are holistically applied to transform logistics and streamline supply chain processes. The book carries on the[...]
"The Backlands" is a translation of Euclide da Cunha's work "Os Sertoes", a non-fictional account of the War of Canudos in Brazil during the 1890s. The deadliest civil war in Brazilian history, the conflict was between the Brazilian government and a rebellious village of 30,000 Canudos living in the[...]
Features eight essays by Euclides da Cunha, about his trip through the Amazonin 1905, written to describe the Brazilian hinterlands to the urban citizens.[...]
The fortunes of the late nineteenth century's imperial and industrial powers depended on a single raw material - rubber - with only one source: the Amazon basin. And so began the scramble for the Amazon, a decades-long conflict that found Britain, France, Belgium, and the United States fighting with[...]