For the past 20 years, Lithuanian-born artist Esther Shalev-Gerz (born 1948) has undertaken research into the construction of public memory through films, video installations, photographs and site-specific works that disrupt the discourses of such historiographic disciplines as anthropology, ethnolo[...]
Tidsskriften ArtMonitor är ett försök att bryta en tystnad. Den i Sverige nyligen etablerade konstnärliga forskningen saknar en återkommande publikation. ArtMonitor vill vara en tidsskrift för dokumentation, reflektion och dialog kring konstnärlig forskning.
Det första numret av tidsk[...]
Esther Shalev-Gerzs art has long been at the forefront of debates regarding participation, citizenship, cultural memory, and the role of the artist in society. Her practice has consistently confronted many of the most profound ethical questions of our time regarding the politics of representation, m[...]