Humans did not discover fire--they designed it. Design is not defined by software programs, blueprints, or font choice. When we create new things--technologies, organizations, processes, systems, environments, ways of thinking--we engage in design. With this expansive view of design as their premise[...]
The authors of Thoughtful Interaction Design go beyond the usual technical concerns of usability and usefulness to consider interaction design from a design perspective. The shaping of digital artifacts is a design process that influences the form and functions of workplaces, schools, communication,[...]
Boken tar upp designteoretiska frågor som designprocessens natur, begreppet designförmåga och vad det omfattar, samt metodernas roll i design.
Vidare diskuteras designmaterial och några önskvärda brukskvaliteter - mål att sträva efter när man designar digitala artefakter i olik[...]