This book examines the Nazi use of the ancient practice of Sippenhaft - "kin liability". In Nazi Germany the crimes of political dissidents were not only their own, instead mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters were all targets for retribution. Sippenhaft is an elusive topic, widely employed during[...]
It may not be immediately clear why anyone should bother to demolish Nisard. Who on earth, after all, is De sire Nisard? A nineteenth-century literary critic, pedagogue, and member of the Acade mie Franc aise, an ardent champion of the glories of seventeenth-century France, an implacable foe of the [...]
ric Chevillard here seeks to clear up a persistent and pernicious literary misunderstanding: the belief that a novel's narrator must necessarily be a mouthpiece for his or her writer's own opinions. Thus, we are introduced to a narrator haunted by a deep loathing for cauliflower gratin (and by a no [...]