Two teenagers--Johnny Mad Dog, a member of the rebel Death Dealers, and Laokol�, a young girl who dreams of becoming an engineer--grow up while rival ethnic groups fight for control of their country, in a novel set amid the chaos of West Africa's civil wars. Reprint. 15,000 first printing.[...]
The whole of African history unfolds in this brilliant novel from one of the continent's major writers. The story is unified by the actions of one man, Mankunku, a 'destroyer', who is born in mysterious circumstances in a banana plantation and whose identity is as variable as that of his land. This [...]
Ursprungets eld är en episk saga som i en och samma mans öde fogar samman Kongo-Brazzavilles moderna historia. Redan som ung avslöjar Mandala Mankunku att han besitter oerhörda talanger och är alltför vetgirig för sitt eget bästa. Hans mor födde honom på en övergiven bananplantageoch efte[...]