5:2 Your Life: the fast way to get your life in shape. How the Revolutionary 5:2 approach can Transfrom your Health, your Wealth and your Happiness. 5:2 Your Life is your easy-to-follow guide to how the revolutionary principles of the 5:2 diet can be applied to key areas of your life, including: fit[...]
This is the fast way to get your life in shape. How the Revolutionary 5:2 approach can Transform Your Health, your Wealth and your Happiness. 5:2 Your Life is your easy-to-follow guide to how the revolutionary principles of the 5:2 diet can be applied to key areas of your life, including: Relationsh[...]
Synes du, du bruger lidt for mange penge i det daglige? Eller at du dyrker lidt for lidt motion? Fylder tv, i-pad og mobiltelefon lidt for meget derhjemme i familien på alle tider af døgnet? Eller ryger der lidt for meget rødvin ned i løbet af ugen?Nogle gange er det kun små forandringer, der s[...]
Those who control water, hold power. Complicating matters, water is a flow resource; constantly changing states between liquid, solid, and gas, being incorporated into living and non-living things and crossing boundaries of all kinds. As a result, water governance has much to do with the question of[...]