"MPD-Psycho", the most-requested manga series in recently memory, has found a fitting home at Dark Horse Manga, where it will be presented uncut and uncensored in all of its controversial and unflinchingly grotesque glory! If Takashi Miike's "MPD-Psycho" television series still has you confused and [...]
"The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service" is back...only to find they've got competition from an evil rival version of themselves, not to mention an...American cartoon version of themselves? But don't fear the reaper, because our original corpse-carrying crew is still ready for any gruesome weirdness, [...]
Collecting can take over a fan's life ...but what if it takes over their death as well? Zombie robot otaku and plastic-surgery disasters are only the latest faces of horror as Kurosagi continues its eternal struggle to turn corpses into cash! Yet with Kuro trapped in a coma and seeing visions of the[...]
Shigo kekkon - marrying the dead! It's a quaint old country custom in Japan that's becoming the next big fad in Tokyo ...and that makes it the business of the Corpse Delivery Service! And meanwhile back on campus, since they're technically a college club, the kids from Kurosagi host a membership dri[...]
Dark Horse Manga's daring "MPD-Psycho" series is completely unabridged in all of its gory glory - exactly as it appeared when it first ran in Japan! "MPD-Psycho" has earned praise for its complex, shocking story arcs and artist Sho-u Tajima's stark, arresting art style - that draws comparison with a[...]
"MPD-Psycho Volume 10" takes us on a tour of an unfolding apocalypse in Tokyo! Uncut and uncensored, "MPD-Psycho" returns with over two hundred pages of psychological mysteries, imaginative violence, and global intrigue. Creators Otsuka and Tajima explore the strange, programmed horrors that could l[...]
Your body is their business! Five strange young students at a Buddhist university find little call for their job skills in today's Tokyo ...among the living, that is. But all that stuff in college they were told would never pay off - you know, channeling, dowsing, ESP - gives them a direct line to t[...]
As visceral and twisted as ever, "MPD-Psycho" returns with a new volume and a new story arc "Dead Man's Galaxy Days" skips back in time to events that take place before "MPD-Psycho Volume 1." Yousuke Kobayashi seems like a smart, driven Tokyo police officer, but he'll soon be transformed into a tra[...]