This comprehensive guide provides healthcare professionals with accessible complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Presenting the evidence-base for each treatment and providing clear advice about the effectiveness and safety of CAM, this is an essential resource for all clinicians interested i[...]
Whether you are an ardent believer in alternative medicine, a skeptic, or are simply baffled by the range of services and opinions, this groundbreaking analysis lays to rest doubts and contradictions with authority, integrity, and clarity. Over thirty of the most popular treatments including acupunc[...]
Welcome to the world of alternative medicine. Prince Charles is a staunch defender and millions of people swear by it; most UK doctors consider it to be little more than superstition and a waste of money. But how do you know which treatments really heal and which are potentially harmful?Now at last [...]
This is the story of my life as a doctor and a scientist. Despite a youthful ambition to become a jazz musician, I eventually studied medicine and became a medical research scientist, taking up appointments in Germany, Austria and finally in England. My reverence for the pursuit of truth through the[...]
Det finnes en jungel av tilbud om alternativ behandling der ute, og det er ikke lett å finne fram blant terapeuter og remedier. Millioner av mennesker benytter seg av de mange tilbudene. Men hvordan kan vi vite hvilke behandlinger som virker, hvilke som ikke virker, og ikke minst - hvilke som kan v[...]
Välkommen till alternativmedicinens värld! Tusen och åter tusen är de som försökt kurera sig med akupunktur, örtmediciner eller homeopatiska produkter. Men vilka metoder fungerar egentligen och vilka är farliga eller i bästa fall harmlösa?
Äntligen k[...]
Välkommen till alternativmedicinens värld!
Tusen och åter tusen är de som försökt kurera sig med akupunktur, örtmediciner eller homeopatiska produkter. Men vilka metoder fungerar egentligen och vilka är farliga eller i bästa fall harmlösa?
Äntligen kan den vetgirig[...]