(Eulenberg Audio plus Score). The Eulenburg Audio+Score Series covers more than 200 years of the world's favorite classical music. Each of the 50 volumes consists of a clearly-presented and authoritative musical score, an informative preface detailing the biographical and creative background, and a [...]
Piano DuetOne Piano, Four Hands.
18 perennial favorites from Lyric Pieces have been selected for their quality, variety, and pedagogical value.
Schirmer Performance Editions are designed for piano students and their teachers as well as for professional pianists. These editions offer insightful interpretive suggestions, [...]
Edvard Grieg (1843-1907) war zu seinen Lebzeiten eine gefeierte Größe des europäischen Musiklebens. Er eroberte sich mit seinen von spätromantischem Geist geprägten, bis zum musikalischen Impressionismus vorstoßenden Kompositionen die Konzertsäle im Sturm. Seine Lyrischen Stücke begeisterten[...]
(Schott). Beautifully illustrated luxury edition with color drawings and intermediate piano arrangements.[...]
The papers in this interdisciplinary volume explore the theme of music and identity from the perspectives of ethnomusicology, musicology, sociology, performance and music therapy in case studies employing approaches focused through the specific lenses of nation, race, religion, gender, diaspora, and[...]