Gauthier of Flanders hunts the Aa, a monster whose existence stains his family's honour and who is key to an alliance with the Jews of Samaria. Deep underground, the crusader and Osarias fight for their lives, while on the surface the Master of Machines plots to secure his own pacts and get rid of [...]
With the Master of Machines as their new leader, the Crusaders are ready to assault Jerusalem once more. The Sultan must now choose between his love for a Christian princess and his faith. And Gauthier of Flanders, to free his ally Osarias's Jewish people, will have to confront the last part of his [...]
I morgen vil De i solens første lys opdage, at De ikke har nogen skygge. Den tilhører nu mig. Ligesom Deres nætter...[...]
This book on emerging technologies for 3D video looks at this topic from various perspectives with discussion on content creation, space-from-time imaging, spatial plasticity, as well as representation, coding and transmission.[...]
Emilio, a young servant disguised as a woman to escape the pirates' blood thirst. Maria, daughter of a Spanish grandee, captured by the same pirates. Raffy, son of Captain Blackdog of the pirate ship Barracuda. All three of them taken to Puerto Blanco, all three of them left behind when the Barracud[...]
Three years have passed in Puerto Blanco, and there has been no news of the Barracuda. Emilio, still passing himself off as a woman, has been learning the art of fencing from Mr Flynn. Maria, now married to the slave merchant Ferrango, makes her husband's existence a living hell. As for Raffy, being[...]
The intertwined fates of three young people in the golden age of piracy.
It's been several months since the events of The Yellow M, but the evil of Professor Septimus still echoes around London. Important figures of the capital's jet set come together around the questionable values the mad scientist defended. Olrik is forced to resort to opium in order to forget he was g[...]
Im Heiligen Land droht ein neuer Krieg auszubrechen. Angeführt von Gregor von Arcos und dem finsteren Herzog von Tarente rüsten sich die Christen, Jerusalem zu erobern und es der Kontrolle des Sultans Ab?dul Razim zu entreißen. Der tapfere Gauthier von Flandern stellt sich diesem neuen und in sei[...]
Professor Mortimer forsøger at genskabe doktor Septimus´ Telecephaloskop med henblik på at udnytte det inden for psykiatrien. Men han har ikke held med at få apparatet til at fungere og forstår ikke, hvor den kraftige interferens, der spolerer hans forsøg med Megastrålen, kommer fra. Kaptajn [...]
I gamle dage var skørbug en af de mest almindelige dødsårsager blandt søfolk, men takket være bedre ernæring er den i dag helt ukendt. Da to indbyggere i en lille fransk kystby pludselig dør af skørbug kun få minutter efter hinanden, skaber det stor nervøsitet. Og da en jolle fra en tremas[...]
Aikuisempaan makuun suunnattu vampyyrikertomus avaa päähenkilöiden taustoja ja esittelee uusia mysteereitä![...]
Ylikomisario Lenore on pahemmassa kuin pulassa. Oma veli on kavaltanut ja luovuttanut hänet New Yorkia hallitsevan verenimijäklaanin kouriin. Mutta kostoretkelle saapuneet kaksi eurooppalaista vampyyria puuttuvat peliin, sillä heillä on omat suunnitelmansa Lenoren varalle. Henkeäsalpaava vampyy[...]
Vampyyrit ovat ottaneet vallan! Uudessa maailmanjärjestyksessä ihmiset ovat vain ruokaa verenhimoisille hallitsijoille. Mutta raatelijat Drago ja Camilla jatkavat edelleen taistelua vampyyrien salaliittoa vastaan, ja nähtäväksi jää, kenen puolelle asettuvat entinen ylikomisario Vicky Lenore s[...]