Once, all life in the universe knew the Flower of Life as the creation pattern. Now a new dawn is streaming through the windows of perception. This book is one of those windows. Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the Flower of Life Workshop, illuminating the mysteries of how we came to be.
The sacred Flower of Life pattern, the primary geometric generator of all physical form, is explored in even more depth in this volume. Drunvalo shares the instructions for the Mer-Ka-Ba meditation, step-by-step techniques for the recreation of the energy field of the evolved human.
- Beginning with the Mind
- Seeing in the Darkness
- Learning from Indigenous Tribes
- The Sacred Space of the Heart
- The Unity of Heaven and Earth
- Leaving the Mind and Entering the Heart
- The Sacred Space of the Heart Meditation
- The Mer-Ka-Ba and the sacred space of the h[...]
Hvert trettentusende år beveger moder Jords kundalinienergi seg til et nytt sted på kloden, hevder esoterikere, og parallelt skjer det et bevissthetsskifte i oss. Nå og frem til 2012 sies det at vi er ved et slikt punkt i historien. Jordens åndelige kraftsentrum er i ferd med å forflytte seg fr[...]