Douglas (EDT) Cumming - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Douglas (EDT) Cumming
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  1. Entrepreneurship, Finance, Governance and Ethics (Inbunden)


    Robert (EDT) Cressy, Douglas (EDT) Cumming, Chris (EDT) Mallin

    ISBN: 9789400738669 - UTGIVEN: 2012-10

    This book covers topics that are at the intersection of business ethics and governance as they pertain to entrepreneurship and finance. It is the first focused work that links entrepreneurship and finance to governance and business ethics, rather than explore them separately. The chapters highlight [...]

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    från 1458.00 kr
  2. The Oxford Handbook of Private Equity (Inbunden)


    Douglas (EDT) Cumming

    ISBN: 9780195391589 - UTGIVEN: 2012-03

    The term private equity typically includes investments in venture capital or growth investment, as well as late stage, mezzanine, turnaround (distressed) and buyout investments. It typically refers to the asset class of equity securities in companies that are not publicly traded on a stock exchange.[...]

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    från 1541.00 kr