Don Harris - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Don Harris
Visar Resultat (1-4)
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  1. Decision Making in Aviation (Inbunden)


    Don Harris, Wen-chin Li, Don Harris

    ISBN: 9780754628675 - UTGIVEN: 2015-02

    Decision making pervades every aspect of life: people make hundreds of decisions every day. The vast majority of these are trivial and without a right or wrong answer. In some respects there is also nothing extraordinary about pilot decision making. It is only the setting that is different - the und[...]

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    från 1819.00 kr
  2. Jämför priser
    från 712.00 kr
  3. Writing Human Factors Research Papers (Häftad)


    Don Harris

    ISBN: 9781409439998 - UTGIVEN: 201203

    Writing high-quality papers suitable for publication within international scientific journals is now an essential skill for all early-career researchers; their career progression and the reputation of the department in which they work depends upon it. However, many manuscripts are rejected or sent b[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 239.00 kr
  4. Theory in a Nutshell (Häftad)


    Don Nutbeam, Elizabeth Harris, Marilyn Wise

    ISBN: 9780070278431 - UTGIVEN: 201004

    Highly Commended in the British Medical Association book awards 2011!! The use of theory in the planning and implementation of health promotion programs will more reliably produce positive outcomes. Following on from the success of the second edition, 'Theory in a Nutshell 3e' explores the main theo[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 213.00 kr