JOURNAL FOR AN INVITATION TO PERSONAL CHANGE is part of a unique three-part resource that can be used in a wide range of courses, including health and wellness, fitness, nutrition, health psychology, and college success. Unlike any other textbook, supplement, or manual, it not only talks about perso[...]
If you've been struggling with your weight, you know how hard it can be to lose those extra pounds and keep them off. In the groundbreaking "Think Thin, Be Thin, nationally prominent psychotherapist Doris Wild Helmering and award-winning health writer Dianne Hales assert that the true key to a healt[...]
A genius immortalized her. A French king paid a fortune for her. An emperor coveted her. Every year more than 9 million visitors trek to view her portrait in the Louvre. Yet while everyone recognizes her smile, hardly anyone knows her story. Mona Lisa: A Life Discovered, a blend of biography, histor[...]