As head of the first special force unit devoted exclusively to the investigation of hip-hop crime, first-grade detective Derrick Parker worked on some of the biggest criminal cases in rap history. From the shooting at Club New York to the murder of Tupac Shakur, Derrick was on the inside of hip-hop'[...]
Energy-efficient, lighter weight than most textbooks, and exceptionally powerful, the iBook is Apple's ultra-thin G4 notebook that's achieved massive popularity. If you own one of these stylish little white wonders, you can count on the "iBook Fan Book" to give you everything you need to make it wor[...]
Discover innovative ways to strengthen your photography business with your iPadMany photographers are turning to the flexible, easy-to-use tools of the iPad and relying on them to wear a variety of hats in their photography business. Whether portable portfolio, editing tool, payment-tracking system,[...]
Photoshopin lukuisat muokkaustoiminnot hämmentävät monia valokuvaajia - myös ammattilaisia. Tämä kirja keskittyy vain useimmiten tarvittaviin työkaluihin ja näyttää kuinka niitä käytetään työnkulussa tehokkaasti ja nautittavasti. Kirjassa opetetaan helppo tapa käsitellä kuvia Photos[...]