This modern textbook makes explicit the many connections between physical organic chemistry and critical fields such as organometallic chemistrry, materials chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, and biochemistry. In the latter part of the twentieth century, the field of physical organic chemistry went th[...]
The manual includes not only answers for each of the end-of-chapter problems, but also descriptive solutions that show how the answers are obtained. Selected problems also have "Going Deeper" highlights that explore interesting and important issues that go beyond the solution and answer to the probl[...]
Ratkaisujen ja suullisten aktiviteettien lisäksi runsaasti lisämateriaalia mm. sanaston laajentamiseen. Opettajan opas on saatavilla sekä monisteena että verkkojulkaisuna. Verkkojulkaisun voi ostaa vain Otavan verkkokaupasta.[...]