"The Complete Book of Sushi" is the definitive collection of traditional, contemporary and innovative recipes for lovers of this Japanese cuisine. Fresh and delicious, sushi is one of the healthiest foods you can eat, as it's low in fat and high in essential vitamins and minerals. Aesthetically plea[...]
Sushi is easy to make and a great meal for little hands, Eat with your Hands: Sushi for Kids is a fun sushi cookbook aimed at children from seven years and older, teaching them sushi-making basics, with easy to follow recipes. There's information on sushi varieties, traditional sushi-making instrume[...]
From our new series the Silk Series we bring internationally acclaimed author Hideo Dekura who has taught Japanese cooking all over the world to students and chefs working in 5 star restuarants on the techinques of cooking Japanese cusine. This series covers step by step instructions and photographs[...]
From our new series the Silk Series we bring internationally acclaimed author Hideo Dekura who has taught Japanese cooking all over the world to students and chefs working in 5 star restuarants on the techinques of cooking Japanese cusine. This series covers step by step instructions and photographs[...]
From our new series the Silk Series we bring internationally acclaimed author Hideo Dekura who has taught Japanese cooking all over the world to students and chefs working in 5 star restuarants on the techinques of cooking Japanese cusine. This series covers step by step instructions and photographs[...]
The Complete Book of Sushi is the definitive collection of traditional, contemporary and innovative recipes for lovers of this Japanese cuisine. Fresh and delicious, sushi is one of the healthiest foods you can eat, being low in fat and high in essential vitamins and minerals. Aesthetically pleasing[...]