Da heksen Diana tilfeldigvis kommer over en forhekset bok i det bodleiske biblioteket i Oxford, blir hun snart midtpunktet for oppmerksomheten til et stadig økende antall hekser, vampyrer og demoner. En av dem er vampyren Matthew, som mot all fornuft tar henne under sine beskyttende vinger. De fore[...]
Da alkymiforskeren Diana Bishop finner et gåtefullt manuskript i et bibliotek i Oxford, strømmer det plutselig en rekke mystiske vesener til byen. Diana har snublet over en hemmelighet som har vært skjult i århundrer, og ting blir ikke bedre da hun forelsker seg hodestups i en av dem som er ute [...]
"A wonderfully imaginative grown-up fantasy with all the magic of Harry Potter and Twilight."
In a sparkling debut, A Discovery of Witches became the "it" book of early 2011, bringing Deborah Harkness into the spotlight and galvanizing fans around the world. In this t[...]
The #1 "New York Times "bestselling series finale and sequel to "A Discovery of Witches "and "Shadow of Night"
Fans of the All Souls Trilogy sent this highly anticipated finale straight to #1 on the "New York Times" hardcover bestseller list. Bringing the series magic and suspense to a deeply sa[...]
"A Discovery of Witches," "Shadow of Night," and "The Book of Life," now available in a beautiful boxed set
With more than two million copies sold in the United States, the novels of the number one "New York Times" bestselling All Souls Trilogy have landed on all the major bestseller lists, garn[...]
The entire All Souls trilogy, including "A Discovery of Witches," " Shadow of Night," and" The Book of Life," now available in a beautiful boxed set
With more than two million copies sold in the United States, the novels of the All Souls trilogy have landed on all of the major bestseller lists,[...]
The highly anticipated finale to the #1 "New York Times" bestselling trilogy that began with "A Discovery of Witches"
After traveling through time in "Shadow of Night," the second book in Deborah Harkness's enchanting series, historian and witch Diana Bishop and vampire scientist Matthew Clairm[...]
It began with A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES. Historian Diana Bishop, descended from a line of powerful witches, and long-lived vampire Matthew Clairmont have broken the laws dividing creatures. When Diana discovered a significant alchemical manuscript in the Bodleian Library, she sparked a struggle in whic[...]
It began with A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES. Historian Diana Bishop, descended from a line of powerful witches, and long-lived vampire Matthew Clairmont have broken the laws dividing creatures. When Diana discovered a significant alchemical manuscript in the Bodleian Library, she sparked a struggle in whic[...]
The highly anticipated finale to the #1 "New York Times" bestselling trilogy that began with "A Discovery of Witches"
After traveling through time in "Shadow of Night, "the second book in Deborah Harkness's enchant-ing series, historian and witch Diana Bishop and vampire scientist Matthew Clair[...]
Den etterlengtede andreboken i Alle sjeler-trilogien Oxford, 1590: Heksen Diana og vampyren Matthew har reist tilbake i tiden for å gjemme seg for fiendene sine. De trenger også å finne en lærer til Diana, så hun kan forstå og mestre de mektige kreftene sine. Mens Diana prøver å finne ut av[...]
Book Two of the All Souls Trilogy plunges Diana and Matthew into Elizabethan London, a world of spies and subterfuge, and a coterie of Matthew's old friends, the mysterious School of Night. The mission is to locate a witch to tutor Diana and to find traces of Ashmole 782, but as the net of Matthew's[...]
´Sammen løftede vi fødderne og trådte ind i det ukendte ... ´Dette er den spændende fortsættelse af Heksenat om historikeren Diana Bishop fra Oxford, som er ud af hekseslægt. En dag støder hun på et gammelt, fortryllet manuskript, som det viser sig, at andre væsener [...]
Det begynder med fravær og begær.
Det begynder med blod og frygt.
Det begynder med en opdagelse af hekse.
Historikeren Diana Bishop, der er af hekseslægt, forsker i alkymistiske skrifter og falder over et fortryllet manuskript i Bodleian Library i Oxford. Di[...]
Storslagen läsning för alla älskare av magi, vampyrer och romantik
I Bodleian Library i Oxford hittar forskaren Diana Bishop av en slump ett förhäxat alkemistiskt manuskript. Hennes upptäckt sätter igång mystiska skeenden och det dröjer inte länge förrän biblioteket hemsöks a[...]
Storslagen läsning för alla älskare av magi, vampyrer och romantik
I Bodleian Library i Oxford hittar Diana Bishop av en slump ett förhäxat alkemistiskt manuskript. Hennes upptäckt sätter igång mystiska skeenden och snart hemsöks biblioteket av demoner, häxor och vampyrer. Mot s[...]
Jos esivanhempiasi olisi teloitettu noituudesta 1600-luvulla ja vanhempasi murhattu epäselvissä oloissa Afrikassa, pitäisit todennäköisesti yliluonnolliset kykysi tiukasti piilossa. Näin on päättänyt tehdä myös historiantutkija Diana Bishop, joka viimeistelee alkemiaa käsittelevää tutk[...]
Unabridged, 19 CDs, 24 hoursRead by TBAA richly inventive novel about an ages-old vampire, a spellbound witch, and the mysterious manuscript that draws them together.[...]
"A wonderfully imaginative grown-up fantasy with all the magic of "Harry Potter" and "Twilight.""
-"People"In a sparkling debut, "A Discovery of Witches" became the "it" book of early 2011, bringing Deborah Harkness into the spotlight and galvanizing fans around the world. In this tale of passio[...]